At Wallace Print Ltd, the Managing Director and Management Team are firmly dedicated to upholding the principles of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. We acknowledge our crucial responsibility for ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of our employees during work and extend this duty of care to others affected by our operations.
Commitment to Health and Safety
Our management team is fully committed to enforcing the Wallace Print Health and Safety policy, with a steadfast focus on creating a safe working environment. We prioritise the continuous improvement of our processes and behaviours to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees, clients, contractors, and anyone else who interacts with our business activities. Our goal is to prevent illness and injury and to perpetually enhance our Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management and performance.
Responsibility and Engagement
Effective health and safety management is integral to our overall business performance and must be a fundamental part of the activities of all our employees. We expect that everyone who visits or works at our premises will share in this commitment, taking personal responsibility for compliance with our policies and procedures and understanding their legal and moral obligations to themselves and to one another.
This policy has been developed in line with Health & Safety laws within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and is specifically tailored for our UK-based operations.
Policy Aims and Practices
Wallace Print Ltd commits to:
- Consulting and involving workers in health and safety matters.
- Fulfilling all legal requirements and related obligations.
- Eliminating hazards and reducing occupational Health & Safety risks.
- Continually improving our Health & Safety Management System.
To the extent reasonably practicable, we will provide and maintain:
- Safe plant, equipment, and work systems, free from health, safety, or welfare risks.
- Safe handling, use, storage, and transport of articles and substances.
- Necessary information, instruction, training, and supervision to enable employees to avoid hazards.
- A safe workplace with secure access and exit points.
- A healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities.
- A framework for setting and reviewing Occupational Health and Safety objectives.
- Essential safety devices and protective equipment.
Ongoing Review and Adaptation
This policy will be regularly reviewed and revised in response to:
- Significant changes in the size and nature of our business.
- Developments in relevant legislation and other requirements.
- Any notable health & safety incidents or near misses.
To ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness, this policy will undergo an annual review. Wallace Print Ltd is committed to maintaining a vigilant and proactive approach to all health, safety, and welfare matters that affect our business and the people we work with.
Email for any specific details or adjustments unique to Wallace Print Ltd. A full copy of our health and safety policy document is available upon request.